Are Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars Healthy? Here Is The Answer

Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars are a popular snack made with natural ingredients such as whole grains and fruits. These bars are known for their soft, moist, and flavorful filling, made primarily from sun-ripened figs.

These fig bars are often marketed as a convenient and nutritious snack for active and busy people.

And while they come in various flavors, are Nature’s Bakery fig bars healthy?

Short answer: Nature’s Bakery fig bars are healthy as they are made with whole wheat flour, contain little sodium, and are a decent source of protein and fiber. However, they are high in sugar(19g per serving) and must be consumed in moderation.

Read on to find out more about Nature’s Bakery fig bars, including their ingredients, sugar, protein, fiber, sodium content and more.

Also read: Are Animal Crackers Healthy? The Truth About Your Favorite Snack

What are the ingredients in Nature’s Bakery fig bars?

The exact ingredients in Nature’s Bakery fig bars vary depending on the flavor.

In general, Nature’s Bakery fig bars are made up of whole wheat flour, fig paste, cane sugar and brown rice syrup as the main ingredients.

They also contain other ingredients such as fruit jam(based on flavor), canola oil, whole grain oats, fruits(based on flavor) glycerin, rice starch, whole grain oats, fruit juice(for color), sea salt, natural flavor, citric acid, and baking soda.

Let’s learn a little about some of these ingredients.

Whole wheat flour: The first ingredient in Nature’s Bakery fig bars is whole wheat flour. It is a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Cane sugar: It is a type of sugar made from the juice of sugar cane. It is less processed and provides a higher sweetness level than table sugar.

Fig paste: Every Nature’s Bakery fig bar contains fig paste.

Brown rice syrup: It is a thick syrup made from brown rice, which is used as a sweetener.

Canola oil: It is a vegetable oil extracted from the rapeseed plant. It is low in saturated fat and high in monosaturated fat, making it a healthier alternative to other oils.

Glycerin: It is an odorless and viscous liquid used as a sweetener. It helps to keep food moist.

Sea salt: It is a type of salt derived from evaporated seawater. It is a less processed alternative to table salt, with a higher mineral content.

The ingredients in Nature’s Bakery fig bars are simple and straight that anyone can go through. In addition, there is no use of major red flags such as artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

How much sugar is in Nature’s Bakery fig bars?

Nature’s Bakery fig bars are high in sugar, with 19g per serving(57g), of which 14g is added sugar. 

The added sugars come from multiple sources, such as cane sugar, brown sugar syrup, and glycerin.

According to American Heart Association, men should consume less than 36g of sugar, while women should consume less than 24g.

Consuming just one serving of Nature’s Bakery fig bar provides 52% of the daily sugar limit for men and 79% for women. 

That’s significant.

Although the sugars used in these fig bars are less processed than other types of sugar, they can still be bad for your health if consumed in excess.

In fact, sugar is the main aspect where Nature’s Bakery fig bars can be considered unhealthy.

If compared, Nature’s Bakery fig bars have more sugar than bars like Quaker big chewy and Nature Valley.

However, Nature’s Bakery fig bar uses less processed sugar than these granola bars.

How much sodium is in Nature’s Bakery fig bars?

Nature’s Bakery fig bars are low in sodium, with 80mg per serving(57g).

The American Heart Association suggests that adults ideal daily sodium limit is 1500mg.

A single serving of Nature’s Bakery fig bar provides just 5% of this limit, making it a low-sodium snack.

Additionally, Nature’s Bakery fig bars contain sea salt, which is less processed and has more minerals than table salt.

Compared to popular snacks such as Pringles, Doritos, and Lays, the sodium content in Nature’s Bakery fig bars is nearly half.

Here is a table comparing the sodium content of Nature’s Bakery fig bars to popular chips.

Nature’s Bakery fig bar5780
Doritos nacho cheese28210
Lays classic28250

Are Nature’s Bakery fig bars high in fiber?

Nature’s Bakery fig bars are a moderate source of fiber, with 3g per serving(57g). The original flavor has the highest fiber, with 4g per serving.

That’s about 16% of the daily recommended fiber for adults.

Fiber is an essential part of snacking as it provides satiety and health benefits such as healthy digestion, blood sugar control, and a healthy heart.

If compared, Nature’s Bakery fig bars have more fiber than most bars.

Here is a table comparing the fiber content of Nature’s Bakery fig bars to other bars.

Nature’s Bakery fig bars3-4
Nature valley bars2-3
Quaker big chewy bars0-3
Nutrigrain bars1
per serving

How much protein is in Nature’s Bakery fig bars?

Nature’s Bakery fig bars contain 3g of protein per serving(57g).

That’s not very high, but it can be considered decent for a snack. The good thing is it’s a plant-based protein.

However, if you are on a muscle-building diet, you may need to look for other bars, especially protein bars. Nature’s Bakery fig bars are not protein bars.

If compared, Nature’s Bakery fig bars have more protein than bars like Nutrigrain and Quaker big chewy.

Here is a table comparing the protein content of Nature’s Bakery fig bars to other bars.

Nature’s Bakery fig bars3
Nature valley fruit & nut bars2-3
Quaker big chewy bars1-2
Nutrigrain bars1-2
per serving

Are Nature’s Bakery fig bars good for weight loss?

Nature’s Bakery fig bars are not ideal for weight loss due to their high sugar content. However, they can still be part of a weight loss diet in moderation because they are low in sodium and are a moderate source of protein and fiber.

In addition, each Nature’s Bakery fig bar contains 200 calories which is not much. However, consuming multiple servings in a day can result in excess calorie intake.

Remember that weight loss depends not only on one food but on overall diet and level of physical activity.

Are Nature’s Bakery fig bars processed? 

Nature’s Bakery fig bars are processed as they contain ingredients like cane sugar, brown rice syrup, canola oil, and sea salt.

Even though these ingredients have undergone less processing, consuming too much can still harm your health. 

However, despite being processed, Nature’s Bakery fig bars are not bad as other processed snacks like potato chips, refined cookies, twinkies, or soda.

In short, Nature’s Bakery fig bars are minimally processed food.

Are Nature’s Bakery fig bars gluten-free? 

Nature’s Bakery fig bars come in both gluten-free and non-gluten varieties. 

The gluten-free options are available in raspberry, pomegranate, and blueberry flavors.

Nature’s Bakery gluten-free fig bars are made with brown rice flour as the main ingredient and gluten-free grains like Amaranth, Quinoa, Millet, Sorghum, and Teff.

The other ingredients are quite similar to non-gluten varieties.

In terms of nutritional composition, gluten-free varieties contain lower amounts of added sugar, protein, and sodium than non-gluten varieties.

Are Nature’s Bakery fig bars vegan?

According to Nature’s Bakery’s official website, all its snacks are plant-based and suitable for vegans.

However, if you look at the ingredients list, you may come across certain questionable ingredients, such as cane sugar and glycerin, which may raise doubts about their vegan status as these can be obtained from both plant and animal sources.

But, According to Nature’s Bakery, the cane sugar used in the fig bars is organic, and the glycerine used is plant-based.

Nature’s Bakery also uses unrevealed natural flavors among its bars, but they claim these natural flavors are also plant-based.

So based on all the claims, if you are looking for a vegan-friendly option, Nature’s Bakery fig bars are indeed a good choice.

Final words

After looking at the ingredients and nutrition of Nature’s Bakery fig bars, it can be concluded that they are a healthy snack option. There are many reasons for this, such as:

  • They are made from good ingredients such as whole wheat flour, oats, and fruits.
  •  They are low in sodium.
  •  They are a decent source of protein and fiber.
  •  They are free from artificial additives.
  •  They are vegan and also available in gluten-free flavors.

However, they are high in sugar(especially added). Therefore, it’s important to consume them in moderation.

Despite this, they are a healthier alternative to many other snacks or bars and can be a part of your diet.

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Yatender is the founder of Investohealth! He provides thoroughly researched, unbiased reviews analyzing packaged foods' ingredients, nutrition, and health impacts. Join him on a quest for healthier, more informed eating habits.

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