Is Premier Protein Cereal Healthy? Here’s The Truth

Are you looking for high-protein breakfast cereal?

If so, chances are you’ve come across Premier Protein cereal, either online or in stores.

Premier protein cereal is one of the popular breakfast cereal choices among people. It is produced by Post, the same company behind other well-known breakfast cereals like Honey Bunches of Oats, Fruity Pebbles, Honeycomb, and more. 

This cereal is known for its high protein content and crunchy and chewy texture. It comes in two flavors – Chocolate almond and Mix berry almond.

However, is Premier protein cereal really a healthy choice for you?

Short answer: Premier protein cereal is healthy for you as it is low in added sugar and is extremely good source of protein. Additionally, it is moderate in sodium and is free from artificial additives.

Read on to find out more about Premier protein cereal, including its ingredients, sugar, protein, fiber, sodium content, and more.

I’ll also compare it to other popular breakfast cereals to see whether or not it stands out as a better option.

So let’s start.

Read also: Is Vector Cereal Healthy? The Truth About This Breakfast

What is Premier protein cereal made up of?

The exact ingredients in Premier protein cereal vary slightly depending on the flavor.

However, there are several common ingredients that you can expect to find in both flavors. These include, 

Wheat Gluten: It is a protein derived from wheat that helps provide structure and texture to the cereal.

Almonds: Premier Protein cereal contains almonds, which add a nutty flavor and contribute to its crunchy texture.

Wheat Protein Isolate: A concentrated form of protein derived from wheat, it helps boost the protein content of the cereal.

Pea Protein Concentrate: This ingredient is derived from peas and serves as another source of plant-based protein in Premier Protein cereal.

Corn Flour: It is made from ground corn kernels and adds texture to the cereal.

Sugar: Sugar is included in Premier Protein cereal.

Cocoa: In the chocolate-flavored flavor, cocoa is added to impart a rich and chocolaty taste.

Salt: A common ingredient used to enhance the flavor of Premier Protein cereal.

Caramel Color: This natural coloring agent gives the cereal its appealing golden-brown hue.

Natural Flavor: Premier Protein cereal contains natural flavors to enhance its taste profile.

Stevia Leaf Extract: A zero-calorie sweetener derived from the stevia plant. This provides sweetness without adding additional sugar or calories.

Premier protein cereal is packed with good ingredients such as Almonds, Wheat protein isolate, Pea protein concentrate, and corn flour.

Additionally, there is no use of major red flags such as artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

This makes Premier protein cereal worthy of deserving a place in your diet in terms of ingredients.

Let’s move to the nutritional part.

Does Premier protein cereal have a lot of sugar?

Premier protein cereal is moderately low in sugar, with 5g per serving(42g). That’s about 13% of the daily sugar limit for men and 20% for women.

Of this 5g, 4g is added sugar derived from sugar.

If you are balancing your sugar intake, Premier protein cereal can indeed be a good choice for you.

If compared, Premier protein cereal has 44% less sugar than Reese’s puffs, 70% less sugar than Kellogg’s raisin bran, and 58% less sugar than Cheerios(honey nut) and Frosted Flakes.

In fact, Premier protein cereal is one of the breakfast cereals with the least sugar content.

Here is a table showing the Premier protein cereal sugar content comparison against other breakfast cereals.

CerealSugar per serving(g)
Premier protein cereal5
Morning summit cereal12
Life cereal8
Total cereal6
Vector cereal11
Cheerios (Honey nut)12
Kellogg’s raisin bran17
Reese’s puffs9

Does Premier protein cereal have a lot of protein?

Premier protein cereal provides a premium level of protein content.

A single serving(42g) provides a whopping 20g protein. 

Thanks to the added protein-rich plant-based sources such as wheat gluten, wheat protein isolate, and pea protein concentrate.

If compared, that’s equal to the protein in 10 servings of Reese’s Puffs and Cinnamon toast crunch, 3 servings of Morning Summit cereal, 4 servings of Kellogg’s raisin bran, and Cheerios(original).

In fact, Premier protein cereal is ahead in the game of protein than Kellogg’s special k protein, which is renowned as the “protein king” of cereals, offering 15g of protein per serving.

But that’s not all. 

When consumed with milk, the overall protein content of Premier Protein cereal is further enhanced.

A single serving of Premier protein cereal with one cup of cow milk can provide roughly 25 to 28g of protein, which is truly impressive.

Can you use Premier protein cereal for muscle building? Although the wheat gluten and wheat protein isolate are not considered a complete protein, Premier protein cereal can still be included in a muscle-building diet.

It has pea protein concentrate, which is considered a good source of essential amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) like leucine. This amino acid plays a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis.

Here is a table showing the Premier protein cereal protein content comparison against other breakfast cereals.

CerealProtein per serving(g)
Premier protein cereal20
Morning summit cereal6
Life cereal4
Total cereal3
Vector cereal5.5
Cheerios (Honey nut)3
Kellogg’s raisin bran5
Reese’s puffs2

How much fiber is in Premier protein cereal?

Premier protein cereal falls short in terms of fiber content.

A single serving has just 2g of fiber, which is not even 10% of the daily recommended fiber for adults.

Fiber plays an important role in the diet as it helps you feel satisfied, promotes healthy digestion, and regulates blood sugar levels.

If you want fiber-packed breakfast cereals, Morning Summit cereal, Grain Berry cereal, and Kellogg’s raisin bran are better options.

Here is a table showing the Premier protein cereal fiber content comparison against other breakfast cereals.

CerealFiber per serving(g)
Premier protein cereal2
Morning summit cereal5
Life cereal3
Total cereal4
Vector cereal3.2
Cheerios (Honey nut)3
Kellogg’s raisin bran7
Reese’s puffs1

Is Premier protein cereal high in sodium?

Premier protein cereal is moderate in sodium, with 250 to 260mg per serving (42g).

That’s about 16% of the daily ideal sodium limit set by the American Heart Association.

Sodium is common in cereals and also an essential part of the diet. However, too much of it can result in heart-related issues.

Premier protein cereal does not provide a massive dose of sodium as long as you stick to the recommended serving size.

Here is a table showing the Premier protein cereal sodium content comparison against other breakfast cereals.

CerealSodium per serving(mg)
Premier protein cereal250-260
Morning summit cereal75
Life cereal170
Total cereal190
Vector cereal220
Cheerios (Honey nut)210
Kellogg’s raisin bran200
Reese’s puffs160

Is Premier protein cereal good for weight loss?

Premier protein cereal is good for weight loss as it is low in added sugar and a good protein source.

Additionally, it contains 180 calories per serving, most of which come from protein, healthy fats, and carbs, which is a good thing.

However, consuming it in moderation is still important as multiple servings can increase sugar and calorie levels, hindering weight loss efforts.

Note that weight loss depends not only on one food but overall diet and lifestyle.

Is Premier protein cereal vegan?

Premier protein cereal is considered vegan as it has no animal-based ingredients.

However, it’s worth noting that it contains sugar which is not labeled as organic. This raises the possibility that the sugar may have been processed using animal bone char, which is sometimes used in the refining process.

The use of animal bone char in sugar production is a controversial topic within the vegan community. While some vegans consider it non-vegan, others do not strictly adhere to it.

Final words

Premier protein cereal is a healthy addition to your breakfast, and plenty of valid reasons exist. Such as

  • It is extremely high in protein.
  • It is low in added sugar.
  • It has no artificial additives.
  • It is vegan (for most people).
  • It is a fair source of Iron (10% of the daily value).
  • Moderate in sodium.

However, there are a couple of downsides to it.

Firstly, it is low in fiber. Secondly, it lacks a wide range of vitamins and minerals commonly found in other breakfast cereals.

If these things were present there, Premier protein cereal would be one of the top choices in the market.

Anyway, it still is a better option compared to many other breakfast cereals available.

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Yatender is the founder of Investohealth! He provides thoroughly researched, unbiased reviews analyzing packaged foods' ingredients, nutrition, and health impacts. Join him on a quest for healthier, more informed eating habits.

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