Is Catalina Crunch Cereal Healthy? Here Is The Answer

Catalina Crunch is one of the most popular breakfast cereals marketed as sugar-free, grain-free, and keto-friendly.

Unlike traditional cereals that heavily rely on grains, Catalina Crunch cereal is made up of a blend of pea protein, potato fiber, non-GMO corn fiber, chicory root fiber, and guar gum.

This approach sets it apart from the other cereal, providing a crunchy and satisfying experience.

It comes in a range of delicious flavors such as Dark chocolate, Cinnamon toast, Fruity, Honey graham etc.

However, is Catalina Crunch cereal healthy?

Short answer: Catalina Crunch cereal is healthy as it is sugar-free and an extremely good source of protein and fiber. In addition, it is low in sodium, gluten-free, vegan, keto-friendly and free from artificial additives.

Read on to find out more about Catalina Crunch cereal, including it’s ingredients, sugar, protein, fiber, sodium content and more.

I’ll also compare Catalina Crunch cereal to other popular breakfast cereals to see whether or not it stands out as a better option.

So let’s start.

Read also: Is Rice Chex Healthy? The Truth About This Cereal

What is Catalina Crunch cereal made of?

Catalina Crunch cereal in bowl

Catalina Crunch cereal is available in various flavors.

Therefore, the exact ingredients can vary depending on the flavor.

In general, Catalina Crunch cereal is made up of Catalina flour ( a blend of pea protein, potato fiber, non-GMO corn fiber, chicory root fiber, and guar gum) as the base ingredient.

It also contains other ingredients such as:

  • Tapioca flour (a thickening agent)
  • High oleic sunflower oil
  • Baking powder
  • Natural flavors
  • Sea salt
  • Calcium carbonate (a source of calcium)
  • Stevia extract (a natural sweetener)
  • Monk fruit extract (a natural sweetener )

The ingredients in Catalina Crunch cereal are simple, and anyone can go through them. 

Additionally, there is no use of any harmful ingredients that one should be concerned about.

So ingredients-wise, Catalina Crunch cereal is a good-for-you option.

How much protein is in Catalina Crunch cereal?

Catalina Crunch cereal is a powerhouse of protein, providing 11g per serving (36g).

That’s 450% more protein than Resse’s puffs and Cinnamon toast crunch and 266% more protein than Rice Krispies and Cheerios (Honey Nut).

The protein in Catalina Crunch cereal comes from pea protein, a plant-based source known for being a complete protein.

But wait, that’s not all.

When Catalina Crunch cereal is paired with 250ml of cow milk, the protein content increases by 70%.

A single serving of Catalina Crunch cereal with 250ml of cow milk can provide up to 18g of protein, which is decent.

This is really a good amount of protein, even for those looking to muscle up.

If you want another protein packed cereal option, you can try Premier Protein cereal. It has 20g of protein in single serving (without milk).

Here is a table comparing the Catalina Crunch cereal protein content against popular breakfast cereals.

Cereal brandProtein(g)
Catalina Crunch11
Reese Puffs2
Cheerios(honey nut)3
Lucky charms (marshmallow)3
Cinnamon toast crunch2
Frosted flakes2
Froot loops2
Kellogg’s raisin bran5
Rice krispies3
Per serving

How much fiber is in Catalina Crunch cereal?

Catalina Crunch cereal is a good source of fiber, providing 9g per serving. That’s about 36% of the daily recommended fiber for adults.

Fiber is an essential part of the cereal as it promotes digestive health, controls blood sugar levels and promotes a feeling of fullness. 

This means you will not feel hungry soon, which is always an expectation from a good breakfast.

The fiber in Catalina Crunch cereal comes from multiple sources, such as potato fiber, non-GMO corn fiber, and chicory root fiber.

If compared, Catalina Crunch cereal has 800% more fiber than Reese’s Puffs and 200% more fiber than Cinnamon toast crunch and Cheerios (Honey nut).

Is Catalina Crunch cereal good for diabetics? Catalina Crunch cereal is an extremely good option for people with diabetes as it is free from sugar and is a good source of fiber.

The sweetness in this cereal comes from natural sweeteners (Stevia and monk fruit).

Here is a table comparing the Catalina Crunch cereal fiber content against popular breakfast cereals.

Cereal brandFiber(g)
Catalina Crunch9
Reese Puffs1
Cheerios(honey nut)3
Lucky charms (marshmallow)2
Cinnamon toast crunch3
Frosted flakes1
Froot loops2
Kellogg’s raisin bran7
Rice krispies0
Per serving

Is Catalina Crunch cereal high in sodium?

Catalina Crunch cereal is low in sodium, providing anywhere between 110 to 150mg per serving, depending on the flavor.

That’s just 7 to 10% of the daily ideal sodium limit(1500mg) set by the American Heart Association.

Even better, Catalina Crunch cereal uses sea salt instead of regular or table salt, which is considered less processed and healthier.

Sodium is expected in cereal and is an essential part of the diet. However, too much of it can result in heart-related issues.

With Catalina Crunch cereal, you don’t need to be worried about excessive sodium intake, even if you’re following a low-sodium diet.

Here is a table comparing the Catalina Crunch cereal sodium content against popular breakfast cereals.

Cereal brandSodium(mg)
Catalina Crunch110-150
Reese Puffs160
Cheerios(honey nut)210
Lucky charms (marshmallow)230
Cinnamon toast crunch230
Frosted flakes190
Froot loops210
Kellogg’s raisin bran200
Rice krispies200
Per serving

Is Catalina Crunch cereal highly processed?

Catalina Crunch can be considered a processed food as it contains ingredients like Salt and Sunflower oil.

However, it is important to note that it is not highly processed.

Also, it’s not an unhealthy cereal like other cereals, which contain added sugar, High fructose corn syrup or artificial additives.

In short, Catalina Crunch is a minimally processed healthy breakfast option.

Is Catalina Crunch cereal good for weight loss?

Catalina Crunch cereal is good for weight loss as it is sugar-free and low in calories, with just 110 per serving. 

In addition, it’s an extremely good source of protein and fiber, which plays an important role in weight loss.

What’s even better is that most of the calories in Catalina Crunch cereal come from protein and fiber, which is good.

Protein helps promote satiety and supports the body’s metabolism, while fiber adds bulk to meals and promotes a feeling of fullness.

In fact, consuming multiple servings of Catalina Crunch cereal will unlikely hinder your weight loss efforts.

However, it’s important to note that multiple servings will increase the fiber content, which may lead to digestive issues such as gas or bloating in some individuals.

Note that weight loss depends not only on one food but on overall diet and lifestyle.

Is Catalina Crunch cereal keto?

Catalina Crunch is keto, as it contains just 5g of net carbs.

Also, it’s high in protein, so it can be included in a high-protein ketogenic diet, which is a type of ketogenic diet.

Is Catalina Crunch cereal paleo?

While Catalina Crunch cereal is grain-free, it cannot be considered paleo. That’s because it contains fiber derived from corn, which is technically a grain.

Is Catalina Crunch cereal gluten-free?

Catalina Crunch cereal is gluten-free as it is grain-free and does not include any gluten-based ingredients.

Is Catalina Crunch cereal vegan?

Catalina Crunch cereal is vegan as it does not contain any animal or dairy-based ingredients.

In fact, the Honey graham flavor, which is sound made with honey, is also labeled as 100% vegan.

However, it’s worth noting that Catalina Crunch cereal is processed in the same facility that processes milk.

This might be a concern for especially strict vegans.

Final words

After looking at various aspects of Catalina Crunch cereal, it can be concluded that it is a healthy cereal option.

There are many reasons for this, such as:

  • It is sugar-free.
  •  It is an extremely good source of protein and fiber.
  •  It is low in sodium.
  •  It is gluten-free, vegan and keto-friendly.
  •  It is free from artificial additives.

Yes, it may come at a slightly higher price point than other cereals, but the high nutritional value and good ingredients profile make it a worthy investment.

So, if you can afford Catalina Crunch cereal, it’s definitely worth giving it a try.

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Yatender is the founder of Investohealth! He provides thoroughly researched, unbiased reviews analyzing packaged foods' ingredients, nutrition, and health impacts. Join him on a quest for healthier, more informed eating habits.

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